Dialog Allah-Iblis setelah Adam dicipta:

"Kami cipta kamu, kemudian Kami bentuk kamu, kemudian Kami berkata kepada para malaikat, 'Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam'; maka mereka sujud, kecuali Iblis; ia bukan daripada orang-orang yang sujud.

Berkatalah Dia, 'Apakah yang halangi kamu daripada sujud ketika Aku perintahkan kamu?" Berkata, "Aku lebih baik daripada dia. Engkau cipta aku daripada api, dan dia Engkau cipta daripada tanah liat.'

Berkata, 'Turunlah kamu, keluar darinya; tiada bagi kamu untuk menyombong di dalamnya, maka keluarlah; sesungguhnya kamu adalah di kalangan orang-orang yang direndahkan.'

Berkata, 'Tangguhkanlah aku hingga hari mereka dibangkitkan.'

Berkata, 'Kamu adalah antara orang-orang yang ditangguhkan.'

Berkata, 'Oleh kerana Engkau telah menyalahkan aku, maka sungguh, aku akan duduk memerangkap mereka di jalan Engkau yang lurus, Kemudian aku datang kepada mereka, dari hadapan mereka, dan dari belakang mereka, dan dari kanan mereka, dan dari kiri mereka; Engkau tidak akan dapati kebanyakan mereka berterima kasih.'

Berkata, 'Keluarlah kamu darinya, terhina dan terbuang. Orang-orang antara mereka yang ikut kamu - sungguh Aku akan penuhi Jahanam dengan kamu semua.'

'Wahai Adam, tinggallah kamu dan isteri kamu di Taman, dan makanlah dari mana kamu hendak, tetapi jangan dekati pokok ini supaya kamu tidak termasuk orang-orang zalim.'" (7:11-19)

"Dan apabila Kami berkata kepada para malaikat, 'Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam'; maka mereka sujud, kecuali Iblis. Ia berkata, 'Adakah aku akan sujud kepada apa yang Engkau cipta daripada tanah liat?'

Berkata, 'Apakah pendapat Engkau? Yang ini Engkau muliakan di atas aku - jika Engkau beri tangguh kepadaku hingga Hari Kiamat, sungguh aku akan menguasai keturunannya, kecuali sedikit.'

Berkatalah Dia, 'Pergilah! Orang-orang antara mereka yang ikut kamu - sesungguhnya Jahanamlah balasan kamu, satu balasan yang cukup!

Dan kejutlah sesiapa antara mereka yang kamu boleh dengan suara kamu, dan kumpulkanlah terhadap mereka pasukan berkuda kamu dan pasukan kamu yang berjalan kaki, dan bersekutulah dengan mereka dalam harta mereka dan anak-anak mereka, dan janjikanlah mereka!' Tetapi syaitan tidak janjikan mereka kecuali tipuan.

'Sesungguhnya kepada hamba-hamba-Ku kamu tidak ada kuasa.' Cukuplah Pemelihara kamu sebagai wakil." (17:61-65)

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Kali pertama nama Hawa disebut di dalam ALKITAB:

"Manuis itu beri nama Hawa kepada isterinya, sebab dialah yang jadi ibu semua yang hidup." (Kejadian, 3:20)

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Kali pertama nama Adam disebut di dalam ALKITAB:

"Adam bersetubuh pula dengan isterinya, lalu perempuan itu melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki dan menamainya Set, sebab katanya: "Allah telah mengaruniakan kepadaku anak yang lain sebagai ganti Habel; sebab Kain telah membunuhnya." (Kejadian, 4:25)

Itu adalah kali kedua perkataan "bersetubuh" disebut bagi Adam di dalam ALKITAB. Pada kali pertama ia disebut (pertama juga di dalam ALKITAB) adalah untuk menjelaskan tentang kelahiran anaknya yang pertama, iaitu Kain. Ayat itu berbunyi,

"Kemudian manusia itu bersetubuh dengan Hawa, isterinya, dan mengandunglah perempuan itu, lalu melahirkan Kain ..." (Kejadian, 4:1)

Perlukah perkataan itu disebut untuk situasi begini di dalam sebuah kitab yang dikatakan suci?

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Lima buah kitab Hadis yang terbesar di dunia (kesemua hadis berjumlah 9,500):

1.  Sahih Bukhari (jilid 1-9),

2.  Sahih Muslim (jilid 1-4),

3.  Sunan Abu Dawud (jilid 1-3),

4.  Muwatta oleh Imam Malik (1 jilid), dan

5.  Mishkat al-Masabih (jilid 1-4)

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Dua hadis Bukhari mengenai ciptaan perempuan daripada tulung rusuk lelaki (dipetik daripada CD "E-Ustaz" terbitan Islamic Computing Centre, London [1994]):

Hadis #1:

Narrator:       AbuHurayrah
Reference:     SAHIH AL-BUKHARI
Hadith_No:   7.113
Allah's Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) said, "The woman is like a rib; if you try to straighten her, she will break. So if you want to get benefit from her, do so while she still has some crookedness."

Hadis #2:

Narrator:       AbuHurayrah
Reference:     SAHIH AL-BUKHARI
Hadith_No:   7.114
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (trouble) his neighbour. And I advise you to take care of the women, for they are created from a rib and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part. If you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.

Sekiranya Bukhari tidak menuruti ajaran ALKITAB, maka dari manakah dia dapat cerita tersebut?

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Empat hadis mengenai Mahadi, dan satu mengenai al-Masih (dipetik daripada CD "E-Ustaz" terbitan Islamic Computing Centre, London [1994]):

Hadis #1:

Narrator:      Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin
Reference:    ABU DAWUD
Hadith_No:  4271
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah. Abdullah ibn Ja'far said: I heard AbulMalih praising Ali ibn Nufayl and describing his good qualities.

Hadis #2:

Narrator:      AbuSa'id al-Khudri
Reference:    ABU DAWUD
Hadith_No:  4272
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead a prominent nose. He will fill the earth will equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.

Hadis #3:

Narrator:      AbuSa'id al-Khudri
Hadith_No:  5455
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said in the course of the story about the Mahdi, that a man would come to him and say, "Give me, give me, Mahdi," and he would pour into his garment as much as he was able to carry.
(Tirmidhi transmitted it.)

Hadis #4:

Narrator:      Ja'far  as-Sadiq
Hadith_No:  6278
Allah's Messenger (peace_be_upon_him) said, "Rejoice and rejoice again. My people are just like the rain, it not being known whether the last or the first of it is better; or it is like a garden from which a troop can be fed for a year, then another troop can be fed for a year, and perhaps the last troop which comes may be the broadest, deepest and finest. How can a people perish of which I am the first, the Mahdi the middle and the Messiah the last? But in the course of that there will be a crooked party which does not belong to me and to which I do not belong."
(Razin transmitted it.)

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Dua hadis mengenai ayat Alif Lam Mim (dipetik daripada CD "E-Ustaz" terbitan Islamic Computing Centre, London [1994]):

Hadis #1:

Narrator:      Abdullah ibn Mas'ud
Hadith_No:  1003(R)

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Whenever a person recites one letter from the Book of Allah, one good deed is recorded for him. One good deed is equal to ten good deeds the like of it.

I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is a letter, but A is a letter L is a letter and M is a letter.

Source:    Transmitted by Tirmidhi.

Hadis #2:

Narrator:     Abdullah ibn Mas'ud 
Hadith_No: 2137

Allah's Messenger (peace_be_upon_him) said, "If anyone recites a letter from Allah's Book he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim are one letter, but alif is a letter, lam is a letter and mim is a letter."

Source:   Tirmidhi and Darimi transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a hasan sahih tradition whose isnad is gharib.

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Narrator: AbuSa'id al-Khudri
Hadith No:
Full Text:

On 'Id all-Fitr or 'Id al-Adha Allah's Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) went out to the Musallah. After finishing the prayer, he delivered the sermon and ordered the people to give alms.  He said, "O people! Give alms." 

Then he went towards the women and said, "O women! Give alms, for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire are you (women)."  The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the reason for it?"  He replied, "O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. O women, some of you can lead a cautious wise man astray." Then he left. 

When he reached his house, Zaynab, the wife of ibn Mas'ud, came and asked permission to enter.  It was said, "O Allah's Apostle! It is Zaynab." He asked, "Which Zaynab?" The reply was that she was the wife of ibn Mas'ud.  He said, "Yes, allow her to enter." So she was admitted.  Then she said, "O Prophet of Allah! Today you ordered people to give it as alms, but ibn Mas'ud said that he and his children deserved it more than anybody else."  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) replied, "Ibn Mas'ud had spoken the truth. Your husband and your children had more right to it than anybody else."

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Narrator: Jabir ibn Abdullah
Reference: SAHIH MUSLIM 
Hadith No: 2803.1
Full Text:

The Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) then set out and the Quraysh did not doubt that he would halt at al-Mash'ar al-Haram (the sacred site) as the Quraysh used to do in the pre-Islamic period. The Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), however, passed on till he came to Arafat and he found that the tent had been pitched for him at Namirah. There he got down till the sun had passed the meridian; he commanded that al-Qaswa should be brought and saddled for him.  Then he came to the bottom of the valley, and addressed the people saying: Verily your blood, your property are as sacred and inviolable as the sacredness of this day of yours, in this month of yours, in this town of yours, Behold! Everything pertaining to the Days of Ignorance is under my feet completely abolished. Abolished are also the blood-revenges of the Days of Ignorance. The first claim of ours on blood-revenge which I abolish is that of the son of Rabi'ah ibn al-Harith, who was nursed among the tribe of Sa'd and killed by Hudhayl. And the usury of she pre-Islamic period is abolished, and the first of our usury I abolished is that of Abbas ibn AbdulMuttalib, for it is all abolished.  Fear Allah concerning women! Verily you have taken them on the security of Allah, and intercourse with them has been made lawful unto you by words of Allah. You too have right over them, and that they should not allow anyone to sit on your bed whom you do not like. But if they do that, you can chastise them but not severely. Their right upon you are that you should provide them with food and clothing in a fitting manner. I have left among you the Book of Allah, and if you hold fast to it, you would never go astray.  And you would be asked about me (on the Day of Resurrection), (now tell me) what would you say? They (the audience) said: We will bear witness that you have conveyed (the message), discharged (the ministry of Prophethood) and given wise (sincere) counsel. He (the narrator) said: He (the Holy Prophet) then raised his forefinger towards the sky and pointing it at the people (said): "O Allah, be witness. O Allah be witness," saying it thrice (Bilal then) pronounced Adhan and later on Iqamah and he (the Holy Prophet) led the noon prayer. He (Bilal) then uttered Iqamah and he (the Holy Prophet) led the afternoon prayer and he observed no other prayer in between the two.  The Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) then mounted his camel and came to the place of stay, making his she-camel al-Qaswa turn towards the side where there were rocks, having the path taken by those who went on foot in front of him, and faced the Qiblah. He kept standing there till the sun set, and the yellow light had somewhat gone, and the disc of the sun had disappeared. He made Usamah sit behind him, and he pulled the nose-string of Qaswa so forcefully that its head touched the saddle (in order to keep her under perfect control), and he pointed out to the people with his right hand to be moderate (in speed), and whenever he happened to pass over in elevated tract of sand, he slightly loosened it (the nose-string of his camel) till she climbed up and this is how he reached al-Muzdalifah.  There he led the evening and Isha prayers with one Adhan and two Iqamahs and did not glorify (Allah) in between them (i.e. he did not observe supererogatory rak'ahs between Maghrib and Isha prayers). The Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) then lay down till dawn and offered the dawn prayer with an Adhan and Iqamah when the morning light was clear. He again mounted al-Qaswa, and when he came to al-Mash'ar al-Haram, he faced towards Qiblah, supplicated Him, Glorified Him, and pronounced His Uniqueness (La ilaha illallah) and Oneness, and kept standing till the daylight was very clear.  He then went quickly before the sun rose, and seated behind him was al-Fadl ibn Abbas, and he was a man having beautiful hair and fair complexion and handsome face. As the Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was moving on, there was also going a group of women (side with them). Al-Fadl began to look at them. The Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) placed his hand on the face of Fadl who then turned his face to the other side, and began to see, and the Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) turned his hand to the other side and placed it on the face of al-Fadl. He again turned his face to the other side till he came to the bottom of Muhassir. He urged her (al-Qaswa) a little, and, following the middle road, which comes out at the greatest Jamrah, he came to the Jamrah which is near the tree. At this he threw seven small pebbles, saying AllahuAkbar while throwing every one of them in manner in which the small pebbles are thrown (with the help of fingers) and this he did in the bottom of the valley.  He then went to the place of sacrifice, and sacrificed sixty-three (camels) with his won hand. Then he gave the remaining number to Ali who sacrificed them, and he shared him in his sacrifice. He then commanded that a piece of flesh from each animal sacrificed should be put in a pot, and when it was cooked, both of them (the Holy Prophet and Ali) took some meat out of it and drank its soup. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him again rode and came to the House, and offered the Zuhr prayer at Mecca. He came to the tribe of AbdulMuttalib, who were supplying water at Zamzam, and said: Draw water, O Banu AbdulMuttalib; were it not that people would usurp this right of supplying water from you, I would have drawn it along with you. So they handed him a basket and he drank from it.

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Narrator: Abdullah ibn Abbas
Hadith No: 8.817
Full Text:
I used to teach (the Qur'an to) some people of the Muhajirun (emigrants), among whom was AbdurRahman ibn Awf.  While I was in his house at Mina, and he was with Umar ibn al-Khattab during Umar's last Hajj, AbdurRahman came to me and said, "Would that you had seen the man who came today to the chief of the believers (Umar), saying, 'O chief of the believers! What do you think about so-and-so who says, 'If Umar should die, I shall give the pledge of allegiance to such-and-such person, as by Allah, the pledge of allegiance to AbuBakr was nothing but a sudden prompt action which became established afterwards.'  Umar became angry and then said, 'Allah willing, I shall stand before the people tonight and warn them against those who want to deprive others of their rights (the question of government).'" 

AbdurRahman said, "I said, "O chief of the believers! Do not do that, for the season of Hajj gathers the riffraff and the rabble, and it will be they who will gather around you when you stand to address the people. I am afraid lest you stand up and say something and some people will spread your statement. They may not say what you have actually said, they may not understand its meaning and may interpret it incorrectly. Therefore you should wait until you reach Medina as it is the place of immigration and the place of Prophet's Traditions. There you can come into contact with the learned and noble people and tell them your ideas with confidence. The learned people will understand your statement and put it in its proper place.'  On that Umar said, 'By Allah! Allah willing, I shall do this in the first speech I shall deliver before the people in Medina.'"

Ibn Abbas added: We reached Medina by the end of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, and when it was Friday we went quickly (to the mosque) as soon as the sun had declined. I saw Sa'id ibn Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl sitting at the corner of the pulpit, and I too sat close to him so that my knee was touching his knee. After a short while, Umar ibn al-Khattab came out, and when I saw him coming towards us, I said to Sa'id ibn Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl, "Today Umar will say something that he has never said since he was chosen as caliph."  Sa'id denied my statement with astonishment and said, "What do you expect Umar to say that he has never said before?" 

In the meantime, Umar sat on the pulpit and when the summoners for the prayer had finished their announcement, Umar stood up, and having glorified and praised Allah as He deserved, he said, "Now then, I am going to tell you something which (Allah) has written for me to say. I do not know; perhaps it portends my death, so whoever understands and remembers it, must narrate it to others wherever his mount takes him, but if somebody is afraid that he does not understand it, then it is unlawful for him to tell lies about me. 

Allah sent Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) with the Truth and revealed the Holy Book to him. Among that which Allah revealed, was the Verse of the Rajam (the stoning of a married person (male or female) who commits illegal sexual intercourse, and we recited this Verse and understood and memorized it. Allah's Messenger (peace_be_upon_him) did carry out the punishment of stoning and so did we after him.

I am afraid that after a long time has passed, somebody will say, 'By Allah, we do not find the Verse of the Rajam in Allah's Book.' and thus they will go astray by abandoning an obligation which Allah has revealed. The punishment of the Rajam is to be inflicted on any married person (male or female) who commits illegal sexual intercourse provided the required evidence is available or there is conception or confession. We used to recite from the Verses in Allah's Book: 'O people! Do not claim to be the offspring of other than your fathers, as it is disbelief (ingratitude) on your part that you claim to be the offspring of other than your real father.'  Then Allah's Messenger (peace_be_upon_him) said, 'Do not praise me excessively as Jesus, son of Marry was praised, but call me Allah's Slave and His Apostle.' 

(O people!) I have been informed that a speaker amongst you says, 'By Allah, if Umar should die, I shall give the pledge of allegiance to such-and-such person.' One should not deceive oneself by saying that the pledge of allegiance give to AbuBakr was given suddenly and it was successful. No doubt, it was like that, but Allah saved (the people) from its evil, and there is none among you who has the qualities of AbuBakr. Remember that whoever gives the pledge of allegiance to anybody among you without consulting the other Muslims, neither that person, nor the person to whom the pledge of allegiance was given are to be supported, lest they both should be killed. 

No doubt, after the death of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) we were informed that the Ansar disagreed with us and gathered in the house of Banu Sa'da.

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Artikel: Kelirukan Perkataan Allah


4:46. Sebahagian daripada orang-orang Yahudi kelirukan perkataan-perkataan daripada makna-maknanya, dan mereka berkata, "Kami dengar dan kami tentang", dan "Dengarlah, dan jadilah kamu tidak mendengar", dan "Peliharalah kami", memutarbalikkan lidah mereka dan mencela agama. Sekiranya mereka kata, "Kami dengar dan kami taat", dan "Dengarlah", dan "Perhatikan kami", tentu itu lebih baik bagi mereka, dan lebih tegak; tetapi Allah laknati mereka kerana ketidakpercayaan (kekafiran) mereka, maka mereka tidak percayai kecuali sedikit.


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Artikel: Kelirukan Perkataan Allah


15:9. Kamilah yang turunkan Peringatan, dan Kamilah yang menjaganya.


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Artikel: Kelirukan Perkataan Allah


41:40. Orang-orang yang mencercai ayat-ayat Kami tidak tersembunyi daripada Kami. Apa, adakah orang yang dilempar ke dalam Api lebih baik, atau orang yang datang pada Hari Kiamat dengan aman? Buatlah apa yang kamu hendaki; sesungguhnya Dia lihat apa kamu buat.


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Artikel: Kelirukan Perkataan Allah


7:175. Dan bacakan kepada mereka berita orang yang kepadanya Kami beri ayat-ayat Kami, tetapi dia mencampakkannya, dan syaitan mengikutinya, dan dia jadi antara orang-orang yang bersalah.


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